Friday, December 27, 2019

My Favorite Memories As A Kid - 1180 Words

Childhood memory One of my favorite memories as a kid was the time me my sister and the twin neighbors decided that today was a good day to swim. It was probably late april or early may, the pool had been sitting out since last summer and the water had turned green. I of course had to go test out the water, as I was taking my shoes and socks off I went to take a closer look at the water when suddenly my younger sister jumped straight in. She got up and started to cry because the water was full of leaves and other gross things, so me and the twins jumped into the nasty, slimy, green water and had to much fun to be disgusted. Even though everyday of my childhood wasn t like that day, it s been full of learning moments and entertaining moments, good times and not as good times that have helped me figure out how to handle life today. Thesis statement The purpose of my oratory is to share the importance of making the most of your childhood. I think that childhood should be embraced and treasured because it only lasts so long. Attention step So many kids are getting left behind or ignored, and it s not necessarily by other kids. By the time some kids grow up they have terrible memories from childhood, and in today s society some could see suicide as an easier way out. Childhood is a physical and mental growing period and should be both fun and educational so that they can grow up into intelligent adults Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds, and evenShow MoreRelatedMy First Day Of Grade At Springfield Essay1249 Words   |  5 PagesI remember my first day of 4th grade at Springfield local. I was nervous, the teacher who would be teaching me was known to have made students do a lot of writing. Of course I have written out small sentences and maybe some alphabetical practice on paper before, but I have never written thoughts or ideas that coursed through my nine year old brain. 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