Thursday, December 19, 2019

How Nature And Nurture Affects Intelligence - 1867 Words

Jena Massing Mrs. Behrend AP Seminar November 20, 2015 How Nature and Nurture Affects Intelligence Most people believe that Intelligence Quotient (IQ) tests are a good way to measure intelligence. IQ tests are actually pretty bad at measuring intelligence (Rivas 1). Due to this, we wonder how intelligence can be measured and what affects it. How we understand things is a big part of humanity and many studies have been conducted to try to determine what affects intelligence. Researchers have come up with two words, nature and nurture, which are used to describe the factors that affect intelligence. Nature refers to the genetic sources that influence intelligence while nurture is the environmental sources that affect intelligence. Nature and nurture actually collaborate together to affect intelligence as a whole. How intelligence is influenced is a very important topic, because if we can pinpoint what causes one person to have more intelligence than another, we can develop programs and studies to allow the intelligence of the human race to prosper at a faster pace, making our society better as a whole. On the nature side of this argument, the authorI hasve discovered how gene sources influence our lives through relational processing and how children and their parents IQ scores correlate. On the nurture side of this argument, I have learned how prenatal and postnatal experiences have been found to affect intelligence and how an unstable environments can be detrimental to aShow MoreRelatedHuman Behavior: Nature vs. Nurture Essay1733 Words   |  7 Pageshave argued the Nature versus Nurture debate for decades. This debate is about the degree to which our environment and heredity, affects our behavior and developmental stages. 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