Wednesday, July 31, 2019

HNC Social Care Grief & Loss Essay

Grief is a natural response to a major loss, though often deeply painful and can have a negative impact on your life. Any loss can cause varied levels of grief often when someone least expects it however, loss is widely varied and is often only perceived as death. Tugendhat (2005) argued that losses such as infertility, miscarriage, stillbirth, adoption and divorce can cause grief in everyday life. Throughout our lives we all face loss in one way or another, whether it is being diagnosed with a terminal illness, loss of independence due to a serious accident or illness, gaining a criminal record (identity loss), losing our job, home or ending a relationship; we all experience loss that will trigger grief but some experiences can be less intense. Kubler-Ross (2005) argued that there were five stages of grief, these being the following stages: ‘Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance’. She believes these five stages of grief are part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with the one we have lost and feels these stages make people better equipped to cope with life and loss. She states that they are not tools to help us frame and identify what we may be feeling. But they are not stops on some linear timeline in grief. Not everyone goes through all of them or goes in a prescribed order (Kubler-Ross et al., 2005). A description of Kubler-Ross’ five stages of grief are: Denial – on first hearing of the death there may be disbelief. The person may hang on to the hope that the deceased will walk in as normal. Numbness and shock may also be felt. Again, this particular process can be applied to any kind of loss not just death. Anger – the strength of the pain results in anger; this anger can be directed at anyone, including self anger where the bereaved person blamed themselves. Bargaining – some people may try to negotiate with another person or with god to be given another chance, to be able to go back to how things were before. Depression – once the person starts to absorb the full truth they may become deeply saddened. There can be intense feelings of loneliness and hopelessness. The person may be tearful over minor matters and find minor matters hard to deal with. They may have no energy for routine activities. Acceptance – There is no  requirement that the deceased person is forgotten, but the bereaved person needs to recognise the truth of their situation and to gradually release their emotions. They need to realise they can still carry on even if they still feel the loss of their loved on e. (Kubler-Ross et al., 2005) In contrast to the five stage recovery model introduced by Kubler-Ross (2005), Wright (2011) introduced a seven stage recovery model. Wright, like Kubler-Ross, believes that losses need to be grieved before individuals can heal and move on and that it is important to interpret the stages loosely, and expect much individual variation. Both believe there is no neat progression from one stage to the next. They argue that in reality, there is much moving back, or stages can hit at the same time, or occur out of order. A description of Wrights’ seven stages of grief are: Shock & Denial: A numbed disbelief occurs after the devastation of a loss. A person may deny the reality or gravity of their loss at some level to avoid pain. Shock provides emotional protection from being overwhelmed all at once. This may last for weeks. Pain & Guilt: Shock wears off and replaced with suffering of excruciating pain. It’s important to experience the pain fully and not numb it artificially. Anger and Bargaining: Frustration leads to anger. Uncontrolled, it can permanently damage relationships. May result in trying to negotiate with one’s self (or a higher power) to attempt to change the loss that has occurred. Depression, Reflection & Loneliness: A long period of sad reflection overtakes a person and the magnitude of the loss sets in. The Upward Turn: Life becomes calmer, more organized as one starts to adjust to life with the loss that occurred. Reconstruction & Working Through: As a person starts to become more functional, realistic solutions seem possible for life after the loss. Acceptance & Hope: The last stage – a person learns to accept and deal with the reality of their situation. A person is more future-oriented and learns to cope. (Wright, J. 2011) During the time I have been employed within social care I have worked in conjunction with various organisations who offer support to individuals experiencing grief and loss. Victim Support Scotland is an organisation I have recently referred one of my cases to who has suffered a loss. My service users father was subsequently murdered following a drug related  crime, the incident was reported on nationally and images were published on the internet and papers. My service user (who I will name as Ben for the purposes of confidentiality) is a 14 year old male, he maintained a close relationship with his father albeit did not live in the same house as him due to his parents divorcing. Following the death, Ben appeared to pursue his life as normal and at no point showed any emotion for his loss. However, 5 weeks later his mother informed me that Ben began to spend much of his time researching his father’s name using Google and started to keep his father’s belongings in his bedroom. He started to become increasingly emotional stating he didn’t understand how his father died and on several occasions left school to return home. After referring Ben to Victim Support Scotland and CAMHS, I offered him a rehabilitation program for bereaved children and young people called Winston’s Wish. The service is a charity specifically tailored to rehabilitate and support, children and young people who have suffered a traumatic loss. The service is a residential rehabilitation unit and each program is conducted over 7 days, this gives all young people the opportunity to discuss their loss with other young people in their position or similar. The program is specifically designed using activities and sports to put each individual at ease and to help everyone engaged with each other. Support After Murder And Manslaughter (SAMM) is another charity I have used, SAMM offers support specifically to individuals who have suffered a loss through murder or manslaughter. SAMM has offered me as a practitioner great support, advice and guidance on how to support individuals who have suffered a loss through these circumstances. They offer group support and one to one support as well as telephone support, they also have a secure forum that only people who have suffered these particular losses can access. This gives individuals an area where they can discuss their experiences at their leisure. The Compassionate Friends is a charity that supports parents who have experienced the death of a child of any age from any circumstances. This service offers counsellors and support workshops to help parents cope with their loss, similar to The Samaritans charity. The Samaritans is another charity that can be used as a support service for anyone experiencing any kind of loss and grief where they feel support is required. Similar to other services they have a helpline and counsellors to help implement support packages and support  individuals with the recovery process. The Miscarriage Association provides support and information to anyone affected by pregnancy loss, using: helpline, email support, forum, leaflets and regional support (Scotland, England and Wales) from people who have been through pregnancy loss themselves. They do not offer counseling sessions however, they can refer people to the correct professionals where this can be sought. The Miscarriage Association charity also provides support to practitioners working with women and partners who have been affected by a pregnancy loss. Having spent the majority of my career working with young people and families who are involved in the care system, whether it is residing in residential or foster care I have taken a keen interest in how they feel during the transition process of their life moving from care into adulthood. From research young people leaving care are one of the most vulnerable groups in our society and often go through a grief and loss process when leaving care: they are three times more likely to be cautioned or convicted of an offence they are four times more likely to have a mental health disorder they are five times less likely to achieve five good GCSEs, eight times more likely to be excluded from school and less likely to go to university one in five homeless people are care leavers (DfES, 2007, Care Matters: Time for Change) From the statistics above there is clear evidence that leaving care for a young person is traumatic and leaving care often has some impact on their life. One of the main challenges, I have observed from my experience working within child care transitions, is that young people often find the challenges of supporting themselves and no longer having the ‘safety net’ feeling of support from their care workers very overwhelming. A young person (who I will name as Adam for the purposes of confidentiality) I worked with for a long period of time was very upset and showed clear signs that he was experiencing loss and grief when leaving residential care. Adam found it extremely difficult to cope emotionally and physically with the transition process of leaving care. My organisation offers a support package to young people who are leaving care, the package allows the staff  team the young person has been working with to support them in their new accommodation for a short transit ion period. Adam felt supported and safe whilst in residential but felt leaving care would be like returning to the violent and abusive family he was raised in as this was his only experience out of care. Prior to leaving care I supported Adam by enrolling him on a college course, developing an extensive supported living care plan and gave him additional responsibilities throughout his transition period to help him to cope with the responsibilities of life out of care. After leaving care I visited Adam and offered my support by allowing him to contact us via telephone and letter if he wished to do so to help him with the grief and loss process. For many weeks after leaving care Adam kept in touch daily by calling us and updating us on his life out of care, being there and showing support to Adam was enough for him to still feel supported and comfortable. Eight month on and Adam has accepted his life out of case, he still maintains contact with his staff team from care and has maintained his college attendance. He continues to live a happy and ambitious life who after several months of leaving care didn’t think it was possible to live out of care. Adam has realised society have accepted him and with the support he has been given during the transition process has gave him the skills and confidence to cope and therefore made the grief and loss process of leaving care easier. All residential child care organisations have specific legal policy and procedures to follow in the event of a death of a child in their care. A Glasgow City Council study suggested that almost half the children in their residential care setting had harmed themselves deliberately (Piggot et al, 2004). An analysis of the figures collected by the Social Work Inspection Agency (SWIA) shows that at least two children in care have died from suicide every year since 2000. There is evidence that the number of suicides among care leavers is much higher than those in care (Cowan, 2008). Most deaths now take place in a hospital or nursing home. If someone dies in hospital, a member of the medical team will contact the person’s family. The body will then be taken to the hospital mortuary, where the body will be stored until the family arrange for the body to be collected by funeral directors. Before the body is taken to the funeral directors chapel of rest  the hospital staff will usually collect the person’s personal possessions, such as jewellery. Before someone can be formally registered dead, a hospital doctor or their GP will need to issue a medical certificate stating the cause of death. The family will be given a notice, explaining how to register the death; it is a criminal offence not to register a death. A hospital may ask the families permission to carry out a post-mortem examination to learn more about the cause of death, the family does not have to agree to this! In some cases, a doctor may not be able to issue a medical certificate, in such cases they will refer the death to the Procurator Fiscal for investigation. It is most common for the Procurator Fiscal to be involved if someone dies unexpectedly or under suspicious circumstances. When someone dies at home, their GP should be contacted as soon as possible and will normally visit the deceased’s home. If the death was expected the GP should be able to issues a death certificate giving the cause of death, however if the person doesn’t have a GP or the name of the persons GP is unknown, an Ambulance should be called. If someone dies unexpectedly or under suspicious circumstances in their own home the Procurator Fiscal would carry out the investigation, the procedures for this are the same if someone dies in a care/nursing home. There are considerable differences surrounding death in Britain today and how death was viewed during the Victorian Era. The Victorians dealt with death as part of their everyday life, dying was common at all ages and often people died in their home surrounded by family and friends. However, today death has become remote and this has a contribution to the difficulties surrounding people coping with death today. During the Victorian Era three of every twenty babies died before their first birthday, and those who survived infancy had a life expectancy of only forty-two years (Douglas, 2002). Over the past century there has been a considerable decrease in the rates of morbidity and mortality, attitudes began to change as mortality rates declined and life expectancies rose. Death rates fell between 1750 and 1820 from 26 to 22 per 1000 in England and in Scotland from rates possibly as high as 38 to 20 per 1000 in 1855 (Wrigley and Schofield, 1981). Maternal and infant mortality were known risks of pregnancy, families were larger and many generations were raised within the same household. During  Victorian times, the family would be responsible for cleaning and preparing the body for burial and the body would be stored at the family home until the funeral. In Britain today this would not be the case, depending on religion, the deceased would be transported to a mortuary if examination was required, otherwise it would be stored at a funeral directors. The funeral parlour is now responsible for cleaning the body and preparing the body for burial, the family of the deceased have the opportunity to select their loved ones clothing when they are lay to rest. Today there is no restriction on who can attend a funeral, an individual’s sex plays no part o n whether they attend a funeral or not, however during Victorian times only men attended funerals and the gravesite. Christian beliefs vary, however my focus will be on the Catholic beliefs and rites of Christianity. In the Roman Catholic Church, a priest will anoint the person with holy oil as a preparation for death, this is called Last Rites. When a person dies their body is placed in a coffin. Sometimes this coffin is left open so that relatives can say a final goodbye. The coffin is then usually taken to a church or chapel. Here a priest will read from the Bible and a service will be held to celebrate the person’s life. The priest will also say a few words about the person which are designed to comfort the mourners and then say prayers, hoping that the person will now be in heaven. In a Roman Catholic church there will be a special Eucharist called a Requiem Mass where prayers are said for the dead person’s soul. The coffin is taken from the church, either for burial or cremation after the service which mourners can attend (Dickerson et al., 2006). In the past many people did not approve of cremation, only in the last 50 years cremation has been granted in Roman Catholic churches. Roman Catholic’s felt that being cremated would mean that the person could not be resurrected on the Day of Judgement. Therefore, cremation for Roman Catholic’s is a very recent change. When a Jewish person dies, the processes for the burial take place as quickly as possible, cremation is not accepted. Jewish people are very strict when it comes to funerals while more progressive Jews are known to have differing attitudes. When a Jewish person dies the body is traditionally left for eight minutes while a feather is place in the mouth or nostrils to detect signs of breathing before being washed and dressed in  tachrichim. A tachrichim is a white shroud, men are also wrapped in their tallit (prayer shawl). The fringes are cut off the tallit to show that he is now free of the religious laws. The body is put in a plain wooden coffin which is sealed. From the time of death until burial, the body is never left alone as many Jews appoint ‘watchers’ this being a person who will stay with the body day or night until the funeral, praying and reciting (Lewis, 2006). Before the burial the mourners make a tear in their garments – the act of keriah – to show their grief. Jehovah Witness is a relatively new religion that was formed in Pennsylvania in 1870. The Jehovah’s Witnesses funeral service is similar to other Christian faiths and usually takes place within a week after death, their service only lasts between 15 and 30 minutes. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that when a person dies, their existence stops because the Bible states that human beings do not have an immortal soul that survives when the body dies. Witnesses don’t believe there is such a thing as hell, they argue that it would be completely against God’s nature to torture humans for eternity. They strongly believe death is not the end of everything and that each person can be remembered by god and eventually be resurrected. Witnesses funeral services usually take place in the Kingdom Hall, the Jehovah’s Witnesses place of worship and can often have an open casket for people attending to view the body. The Congregation Elder conducts the service and delivers a talk, the talk highlights the deceased person’s life and any dying thoughts or expressions they may have left. The purpose of the talk is to comfort the bereaved by explaining what the Bible says about death and the hope of a resurrection. Rather than being an overly mournful event, it is a time when family and friends can be reassured of the time when the Bible promises that, thanks to the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the dead will be raised, and they will see their loved one again. The family can decide whether to have a burial or a cremation following the funeral service ( Regardless of religion the death of a family member or friend can be extremely painful and often very difficult for family and friends to cope with. A humanist and new age funeral are funerals that are non-religious, this does not mean to say it is easier or more difficult to cope with, it simply means that the deceased do not have any particular religious belief. A non-religious person is familiar with cremation and burial procedures and will welcome ideas for readings and  music. If the deceased writes down what they would like to happen at their funeral and give it to a family member to take lead, this reduces a huge amount of pressure from the family. It is important the person things about the music they would like played and any poems or stories they would like to be read. A humanist funeral is often very person centered, it looks back over the life of the person who has died and celebrates it. The danger with a humanist funeral is you can make religious people feel excluded, however if you include a period of silence in the funeral this give religious people time to have a silent prayer (Cowling, 2010). Officiants are pe ople who conduct a humanist funeral and are generally at least 35 years old, have experience of public speaking, and have probably had experience in nursing, teaching, social work or something similar. Funeral directors are able to make arrangements with trained officiants in their local area. Bibliography. Cowan, C. (2008) Risk factors in cases of known deaths of young people with experience of care: an exploratory study, Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care. 7 (1). Cowling, C (2010). Good Funeral Guide, Continuum. New York. p73. Douglas, A (2002). Victorian Mourning Customs, Pagewise, Inc. Retrieved from Kubler-Ross, E and Kessler, D (2005). On Grief and Grieving, London: Simon & Schuster. p7-28. Lewis, A (2006). Handling Bereavement, Easyway Guides. Brighton. p55-56. Piggot, J., Williams, C., McLeod, S., et al (2004) A qualitive study of support for young people who self-harm in residential care in Glasgow, Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care. 3 (2), p45-54. Tugendhat, J (2005). Living with Grief and Loss, Sheldon Press. London. Wright, J. (2011). 7 stages of grief: through the process and back to life. Retrieved from Wrigley, E. A. and Schofield, R (1981). The Population History of England 1541–1871, London. Assessment 7 ‘Supporting Individuals Experiencing Loss and Grief’.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Preparation narrative report Essay

My experience in shipboard is very memorable for me, every day your going to treasure it. My experience goes this way, trip to Manila. I’m very excited and when at the port i’m very disappointed because our CoOJT’s from LPU Laguna is some kind of â€Å"maarte† and we met our STO Sir Joepet a very kind STO and I really like him. see more:examples of narrative report When we embark at the ship I feel a little bit nervous but not because of I’m of I’m afraid that the ship is going to sink while underway I’m afraid of what if I can’t do all task that they are going to give us. After fixing our things we go straight to the multi purpose room for our orientation, after that our STO gave us a time to familiarization we proceed to the Island Fiesta where the tourist accommodation eat their meal. We woke up very early and to be exact 2am for us not to be late in our duty. We are 14 so we 7 pairs and my partner is Erika my dear friend.  Our first duty is at the Island Fiesta, its really a Fiesta because of 80% of the passengers ate at Island Fiesta. our time of duty is 10hrs but its s broken sched were in we have a time to rest, in Island Fiesta it measures how long your patience is, how good you are in selling and convincing power sales talk. at first I’m shy but when I find it exciting and fun I really enjoy it I really do my best to call all attentions of the passengers and we have a good sales, after that I was assigned to dining and I do bussing out are first complicated and hard to do but at the end I enjoy even if the other passengers are irritating and annoying. Second duty is housekeeping I really enjoy it especially the trash out things and bed making even though the one casual is snob I still enjoy and in our third duty in Quik Mart we sell snacks and beverages we shout and shout walk and walk, sometimes could by passengers and sometimes the passengers get mad of us because we can’t understand them, and their pronunciations is very hard to understand. Forth duty at the front office I got mad because in whole duty we just stand there after our duty my legs aches. Our fifth duty is at the galley or kitchen I really enjoy it the chefs are very kind they are all approachable and funny they make us laugh the whole duty, and the task they gave us to slice 100 kilos bittergourd and peeling other staff. And food in ship is errr! sometimes tasteless sometimes they are very rich in salt, and the food is  just the same the whole OJT. And the casuals are very nice and kind unlike the other trainees seems they are the manager or supervisor. -Angelica Dominguez HRM 3A â€Å"My Magical Experience on Shipboard† May 14, 2014 was the day when we leave Nueva Ecija and go to Tondo, Manila(North Harbor Pier4) to start our Practicum1 at Ship. On this day also was our first voyage(Manila to Cagayan de Oro). when we already board at the ship, the first thing we do is meet and greet our STO Mr. Joepet Gallego discussed and issued the rules and regulations while were on the ship as well as our schedule and we also had our tour on ship to familiarized every department of the ship. On the next day, May 15, 2014 we already started our first duty at Island Fiesta food court wherein we bussed out, we served etc.,. On my first day on the ship I fell boring, but when the day had been passed I enjoyed every second, minute, hour and days with my co-trainees. I already learned to love what I am doing because they all treated me well especially casuals, they treated us good. We learned a lot from them and we will never forget this experience. I can tell everybody that this experience is magical because it helps me to grow up and become a matured one. -Erica Portacio HRM 3A I was so excited that we experienced being a part of 2GO TRAVEL. it was so nice because all of them the casual, the crew especially to our STO,all of them, they are so very kind. They share us their knowledge and experiences at the ship. During the 1st and last day of our duty we enjoyed being a trainee together with my partner. I learned a lot on this training that you need to treat all passengers good, respect them and show them that they are welcome,and even when passenger say bad words all you can do is smile show to them that looks like nothings happen. I experience in this ship that its hard to become a employee because even they are tired no matter what’you need to welcome them with a beautiful smile. This On-the-job training experienced was very happy because it was my 2nd time to travel on board. I could probably say that I really learned a lot of things there’and i can also say learning is not just seen in the four corners of the room. i am hapy and proud because we finish our duty and it is a great memory to remember in our college life. -Princess Tagaro HRM 3B Having my OJT at 2GO Travel is really enjoy. I’ve learned a lot especially in time management. We duty in the 6o’clock in the morning, so we need to wake up early. We learned how to socialize in other people. I gained more knowledge about my course. I gained more friends because the bonding in our room. And we enjoy to go other places here in the Philippines. When we are on the ship, they taught us about the history, mission and vision of the company, corporate values, vessels, facilities and services of our prescribed logistic company. They also told us about the training rules and regulations, basic house rules and standards like the standards of courtesy and decorum on board, uniform requirements and grooming standards. Also familiarize with the safety alarm, signs and symbols. Most of all, we are very happy because our Shipboard Training Officer is very nice, he take care of us while we are on our duty. And all of the employee in the ship is very friendly. This is v ery memorable experience in my OJT. -Mariel Miranda HRM 3B As an Hrm Student, we were required to take On-the-job training related to our course. I decided to take my Ojt at MVSJP II, a vessel from 2Go travel. I started my Ojt on May 14, 2014.   On our first day on the ship, we took a lecture headed by our STO or Shipboard Training Officer, Mr. Joepet Gallego, then he gave us our  assignments of duties. Our duties revolved on Food and Beverage, Housekeeping, and Front Office Department. On the Food and Beverage Department, I have experienced a lot of works from bussing out dishes, serving foods, setting up the table, and kitchen works. I can say that I’ve learned bunch of things there like the proper way of talking to the customers and to work grace under pressure. On the Housekeeping Department, we cleaned, took out trash, and do â€Å" bed making† on the different accommodations of the ship. I have applied my knowledge on bed making which I have learned from school and made my work easier. Also, on this department, we have assigned to assist passengers to their rooms or accommodations, this was very enjoying because I was able to meet different people. On the Front Office, it was a must to always wear your smile in every situation. I have learned here to always stay calm and polite to the guests whatever their mood was. I have also learned the proper way of grooming myself. The whole Ojt experience for me was very challenging but fun . I have practiced and developed a lot of my skills. As a trainee, I’ve learned to follow strictly on instructions. I improved my self confidence and somehow became more sociable to people. I’ve learned to become flexible, to act professional and be polite at all times. I became aware to treating the customer’s right. I’ve learned to enjoy my work and my workplace, and to enjoy working with the people around me. I can say that I gained a lot of knowledge that I can apply in the near future, and I can say that I chose the right the course for me. 2go Travel’s MVSJP II offers good working environment, which made my experience very enjoying. -Samantha Ellaine Beltran HRM 3B Performs other functions as may be given by my supervisor from time to time and maintain cleanliness and orderliness of assigned at all times, serves meals to the passengers following to the proper food handling procedures and assists in the requisition and issuance of stock from the store room and  performs suggestive selling technique to increase sales and ensures that no unauthorized personnel take out serving from the food on display for sale and free meals and line performs other functions as may be given by the housekeeping supervisor from to time. -Verna Salamanca HRM 3B The first time I saw the ship I felt nervous and excited, when the time the ship is ongoing that night I don’t know what I really feel. The night also I can’t sleep because i feel a little beat scared because of the ship is swaying. The first day of my duty is in Quik mart, my partner is Benjie Cardenas, He is also my partner in my whole OJT in the Saint Pope John Paul II. Every day in my duty we enjoyed together, the casual of the ship and my co trainee from other school. I’m very thankful, blessed and happy for being a part of the shipboard training, 15 days working hard but full of learning and also happiness. A lot of moments once in a lifetime. I can say that my OJT will never forget in my whole life. -Byron Macalinao HRM 2B My on-the-job training experienced is very happy because that is my first time to travel the diff. parts of the Philippines. At first, I felt so excited and also nervous. Our first day in the ship is just an orientation. My first experience in OJT training, me and Byron assigned in Quik Mart. I feel shy and nervous, the we sell clothing, we enjoy it because supposedly turned just like itinerant. Second day in housekeeping also we assigned. We meet Sir Toto, he is the kindest crew, he taught the technique in how to bed making etc. We  experienced to mop a staircase, we also assign ports. It is not easy because it’s too many passengers need to assist but it is okay because we requested the hotel manager assigned. We also experienced the Island Fiesta difficult because too many passengers eating. Also taught proper bus out, I enjoy it even fatigue. We also dropped in Cagayan to buy goods and also flesh out, food trip. The street food in Cagayan was very delicious. Then in Cebu we go to the most important ancient church and the Magellan’s Cross. -Benjie Cardenas HRM 2B During my OJT, I learned how to be a responsible in my own way, on the first day of my OJT, I feel nervous but I’m so excited, I learned how to love, care and respect our customer. Me and my partner experience or encounter some trials or problems but we solve it because we helped each other. This OJT is unforgettable moment and I can say that this is one of the best part of my college life. -Jommel Caba HRM 2A I have a lot of experience at the 2GO Travel Shipboard. First, to entertain guest, if what they need in the front desk. Second, on how to serve the food and to bus out. Third, to sell a product even though it’s expensive to the other guest, but they obligated to but it. Fourth, on how to bed making, to clean the cabin or accommodation. Fifth, at the galley or kitchen, I cut a lot of vegetables and sometimes my own finger ï Å . And of course, the casuals and our STO, their so good to us, they like friends, brothers and sisters to us. But all in all I enjoyed, that was a best experienced I’ve ever feel. I will not forget those experience at 2GO Travel, and I will missed them. THANK YOU!! -Princess Cammille Ferrer HRM 2D At first I feel nervous because I don’t have any idea on what we do while were staying there but then there’s a feeling that I’m so excited to feeling onboard. Then, we met Mr. Joepet Gallego our Shipboard Training Officer (STO). His a nice person, he tours us onboard then he teach us everything onboard, accommodation and other facilities. On my first duty, we assigned at the front office, I feel bored ï Å' but the day past, we all getting haggard, we need to woke up as early as 3am to arranged ourselves for everyday duty. I experience a lot of thing that on shipboard experience. At first, yeah it’s so hard to work especially on Island Fiesta but time after time it’s become easy because we enjoyed what we’re doing. Two weeks was done, I feel bad because I know I will missed my days with other OJT’s, the casuals that teach us how to work easy and most especially I missed my new friends, the person who make me laugh every time even weà ¢â‚¬â„¢re tired we have a time to talk on everyone’s experienced ï Å  -Jaymie Natividad HRM 2D Last May 14, our OJT start. The name of our ship is MV St. Pope John Paul II. During the day of my duties I felt so nervous and excited especially on the first day because I am a first timer so they teach me how to assist guest and serve customer. Then after a long time of being there I learned the diff. ways/ techniques on how to deal with the customer. Having a successfully completed 300 hours of OJT on the ship I learned a lot of things like on how to socialize with other people. I easily control my temper to the customers that are very demanding and not talk nicely. -Aira Jane Canlas HRM 2D During our On the Job Training at MV Saint Pope John Paul II, we were assign at eight different types of areas at the shipboard like Front Office, Quick Mart, Galley, Horizon, Island Fiesta, Cabin, Mega Value and Super Value. Every day we have a rotation for those different areas. First week of our practicum at the shipboard was not easy for me because every day we have to  the different kind of task for that area, so the crew teach us like on housekeeping at the cabin we learned the bed making, towel folding and on different rooms we also do cleaning passengers room, the comfort room and we also do trash out. At the Front Desk , we were great and assist the passengers about their concerned, at Restaurant like Horizon and Island Fiesta we were serving foods for the customers, bass out, washing dishes and cleaning the table. we are also selling foods and beverages at the Quik Mart. All Crew teach us well for what we were doing on their area and they treat us like their family also our STO Mr. Joepet Gallego who rounded every hour to see were doing , check our attendance and care for us when one of us are sick, we met a lot of student in different schools they are our co-trainees. Practicum at MVSJP was unforgettable we were well trained and learn to be organized for every aspect. We learned to be patient and control our temper because we were joining a lot of people every day who have different attitude. For all of that we enhance our confidence, socialization and skills. -Nelissa Paz HRM 2D DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. Front Office Apply customer service skills Facilitate registration and rooming-in of guests Handle guest’s requests and inquiries Manage safety deposit boxes and lost and found service Assist in the in-house entertainment services Clean and organize the Front Office B. First Class Dining Saloon/ Horizon Apply customer service skills Carry out food portioning Take guests’ orders Serve guests’ orders Bus out dishes Wash the dishes Clean the First Class Dining Saloon C. Economy Dining Saloon/ Island Fiesta Apply customer service skills Carry out food portioning Carry out sanitation and hygiene standards on Food and Beverage areas Bus out dishes Wash the dishes Clean the Economy Dining Saloon D. Ship Shop/ Quik Mart Apply customer service skills Sell Merchandise Clean Ship Shop Make sales report E. Galley Carry out inspection of finished product prior to servicing to customers Apply proper handling of foods for delivery Clean cutlery, pots and the galley equipment Carry out proper storage procedures like sorting, labelling ,FIFO Method Prepare raw materials for food processing F. Housekeeping- Cabin Apply customer service skills Perform housekeeping inspections Clean guests’ accommodations Clean restrooms in cabins Make-up bed G. Housekeeping-Tatami/ Mega Value Apply customer service skills Perform housekeeping inspections Clean guests’ accommodations Clean public comfort room Clean hallway areas H. Housekeeping-Economy/ Super Value Clean hallway areas Clean lobbies and viewing decks Apply customer service skills Perform housekeeping inspections Clean guests’ accommodations Clean public comfort room

Monday, July 29, 2019

Principles of Critical Care Nursing - Leadership and teamwork when Essay - 1

Principles of Critical Care Nursing - Leadership and teamwork when planning care and making decisions - Essay Example Besides, the clinicians must ascertain the patient’s variables such as salt and diet intakes alongside the ability to adhere to the therapeutic regimen (Aronson, 2009). It is critical to maintaining optimal potassium levels of at least 4.0 mmol/L for this particular patient besides a routine potassium monitoring. There is also need for the joint administration of Magnesium to enhance the cellular uptake of potassium (Urden, Stacy & Lough, 2014)). The Intravenous piggyback infusions of electrolyte require that the administration be executed based on free-flow protected devices such as an infusion pump. Patients must meet certain conditions before the initiation of the Potassium (SCr 40Kg). The electrolyte replacement protocols such as potassium Phosphate or Chloride may be ordered individually or jointly (Kee, Paulanka & Polek, 2010). Initiating intravenous Potassium therapy is hazardous and should meet certain strict requirements. The intravenous treatment of hypokalemia has to be instigated only when the enteral route cannot be availed or confirmed not to achieve the standard elevation of serum Potassium based a clinically set timeframe (Kee, Paulanka & Polek, 2010). The guidelines for initiation of replacing Potassium must be determined by the urgency of Potassium replacement and should only be performed in case of cardiac arrhythmia, low serum Potassium (

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Answer questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Answer questions - Essay Example These dimensions can be used to determine exercise behavior as shown by numerous studies, such as Arais study in Japan and Rhodes and Smith study (Define Personality: Enduring characteristics that are important to a persons behavior) can frequently be related to personality. The conclusion of the studies showed that Extraversion could be associated with being active and hence pertained to individuals who would exercise more whereas Introversion could be related to a less active behavior. Furthermore it showed that athlete’s had a tendency to be more extroverted, emotionally stable and in some few cases psychotic. (Web) Stage 2 – Fixation/ Diversification – Ensuring the movement is consistent within the current environment and then adapting the movement accordingly so that the performance turns out to be successful. (Web) To clearly understand these two stage let’s look at the example of how playing long-tennis can incorporate the effective use of these two stages. It incorporates the key elements in form of body movement and object manipulation. In the first stage the player will focus on understanding how he must organize his movement to successfully serve to his advantage. He then determines how relevant what move or playing position will be by using the available information for the motor skills. In the second stage, before the opponent strikes the ball in your direction you hold still or shit from spot to spot it depends, (fixate) until you decide what direction the ball might head towards. And finally you incorporate diversification in your movement with perhaps a tennis forehand drive out of reach of opponent. Hence you incorporate key elements of body movement and object manipulation of Gentile’s Model in playing Tennis. According Nideffer’s (1981) framework of the theory of Attentional and Personal Style is used mainly in the process of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

ISSUE DEVELOPMENT(Cutting Academic Programs in Higher Education) Research Paper

ISSUE DEVELOPMENT(Cutting Academic Programs in Higher Education) - Research Paper Example Therefore, professionals have an array of viable remedies such as decreasing the expenses of the institutions while promoting performance accountability, raising tuition and the most adequate one (in terms of fund management) cutting academic programs (Goldstein, 2005). Cutting academic programs focuses on fronts such as reducing the amount spent on paying faculty and other personal (Keppler, 2010). Another area is merging or total annihilation of departments (Keppler, 2010). According to Ohio Board of Regents (2010), cutting academic programs is necessary especially when one considers the performance of a given program against their financial viability. Various states have seen the effects of cutting of academic programs due to budget cuts. With the projection that Missouri by the fiscal year 2012 would suffer a budget deficiency of up to $500 million, cutting education programs was no longer an option. Given statistics on student enrollment, number of graduates and the value of rel ated research, over 70 programs were in the line up for possible cuts (Chapman et al, 2010). The scenario was more somber in states such as Louisiana where whole colleges were at the risk of extinction. Chapman et al report that in New York and Illinois, administrations were more specific to the point of exuding some form of bias (2010). In the University of Illinois, it was the institution of aviation. The director of this institution cites unfairness given that the institution is small and remote. Meanwhile, in New York State University, the department of Language, Literature and Cultures took the hardest blow with an estimated four programs targeted for budget cuts (Chapman et al, 2010). There are a number of factors that cause states and institutions of higher learning to favor cutting of academic programs even with the public outcries. Currently, increase in cost of living makes it difficult for parents to afford hiked tuition fees hence parents may support cutting academic pro grams to increasing tuition fee (Goldstein, 2005). On the other hand, the institutions’ administration would rather loose a few programs than loose graduate enrollments because of insufficient funds to run the entire institution (Gold, 1995). After all, students can always move away from a cut program and limit themselves to those available. Finally, there is a great shift in educational stratification in view of changing world economics (Jung & Milton, 2007). The current employment market favors professions in fields such as business (Jung & Milton, 2007) while other programs such as history and arts take a back seat. As such, students prefer engineering and scientific courses at the expense of arts making these programs more susceptible to budget cuts (Jung & Milton, 2007). All these factors contribute to the popularity of cutting academic programs in higher education. Current and Future Prospects: The first issue that comes to mind is the redundancy of some of the academic programs not because of reduced enrollment in their respective departments but because of budget cuts (Chapman et al, 2010). For instance, in New York, foreign languages, classics and theatre are at the verge of â€Å"death† according to the article by Chapman et al (2010). It seems the state administrations current shift in budget allocation will become permanent. Most states now favor performance based funding (Harnisch, 2011). The outcome of this is that institutions

Friday, July 26, 2019

Representing Gender in FIlm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Representing Gender in FIlm - Essay Example These oppressed people possess normal heterosexuality; they are not artificial but express unnaturalness due to a mixture in genders. Butler argues that this unnaturalness can be changed through performativity with the help of either psychologists or close family members. Performative acts are repetitive. They show the behavior of a person. The behavior of the gender a person is comfortable with. The person may represent a different biological gender while the actions performed by that person may be different from the behavior of that gender. Performativity is mostly experienced in children who lose a parent of the opposite sex. The lose hits their mental status and they are compelled to repeat the actions of that parent and they perform the actions they used to do out of love and devotion. Performativity The movie â€Å"Boys Don’t Cry† was directed by Kimberly Peirce in 1999. The story was scripted by Judith Butler. It is based on a true story of a girl who experiences gender transformation. She wants to change her physical appearance to that of a male but cannot afford to undergo a surgery. She then changes her looks to resemble a male which attracts Lana, a girl who herself is not very feminine. Teena/Brandon is shown to be a quiet and sensitive individual with a bit of masculine characteristics. Lana falls in love with Brandon and shares her secrets related to him with her friends which proves that she is fully convinced that Brandon is a male. Lana believed Brandon to be a male and was ready to accept him with whichever gender he wanted to follow when she started to suspect him of his gender. Later on in the movie Lana’s ex boyfriend John who is a psychopath and his friend Tom, suspect Brandon of being a female and inform Lana. Lana does not respond to them and tells Brandon that she would accept him even if he was a female. Brandon and Lana were forced to accept that they were lesbians but they refused to do so. Later on Brandon was s ent to jail and her identity was revealed there. As John was jealous of Teena/Brandon, he raped her and shot her. After analyzing the film â€Å"Boys Don’t Cry† one notices the performativity expressed by characters in the movie scripted by Judith Butler. At the very beginning of the movie, Teena Brandon who is born as a female but biologically has the gender of a female, expressed her wish to undergo surgery to change her gender but could not due to lack of financial support. Teena or Brandon is seen to play the role of a transgendered person. This movie expresses performativity of gender through the character of Teena/Brandon who wants to live life as a heterosexual male and believes himself to be one. Although being a female it was hard for her to act as one. Due to difficulty in have the sources for gender transfer, she decided to dress up and act like a male. It was easy for her to express her masculine characteristics as she inherited the male gender more than th e female one. When a person has a mixed gender, the person expresses that gender which is more prominent. Therefore, even though Teena had the organs of a female, her behavior was masculine and there was no reason for her not to be a male except for her misfortune of not being able to arrange for the gender transfer operation. From the very beginning, Teena/ Brandon’s assumption of being a male represents gender to be performative while on the other hand

Individual Compensation Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Individual Compensation Paper - Essay Example interpersonal relationship, the relational satisfaction will be judged by the individual perception of resource distribution being fair or unfair (Adams, 270)†. The application perspective of the theory says that the employee has certain types of input (time, effort, ability, trust) and produces output (salary, recognition, responsibility, job security) and he compares both on the constant basis to determine the equity between efforts and rewards (Yum and Canary, 390). Russell is a pharmacy professional and works as an administrator of a Health Care Center. He needs to know if he is paid fairly by his organization. In order to answer the question, the paper proceeds with components of his total reward package. Russell enjoys handsome salary and perceives it higher than the one offered in market to other professionals of same cadre. Hence, he can afford standard of living consistent with market pay levels. He is an administrator which shows career progression is provided to him. His base pay level is also the evidence that his organization rewards him for his performance. Russell is also entitled to receive 6 bonus salaries per year (18 in total). It is an opportunity to earn additional direct compensation. This additional compensation is not possible without the effective performance of his team members and achieving organizational goals. Organizations pay salaries out of their revenues and revenues are dependent on the employees’ performance. Russell’s organization promises him for many benefits other than the ones mentioned under the above headings. These benefits win Russell’s loyalty and provide win-win solution for him and his organization. Russell expects his organization to pay him fairly against his time and efforts that he dedicated to the organization. He assumes that the efforts he puts on workplace will lead to good performance and achievement of organizational goals. He is justified to expect reward of his performance and the organization

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Policy - Essay Example In essence, externalities are the effects of production or consumption of products and the outcome is passed to the society. However, the society has little to control these externalities. The first positive externality is technological improvement. Some firms have been on the frontline in investing in technology. The firms ensure they have the best technology to assist in production of their products. As such, these products are enhanced to give ultimate services to the people that need them. In such a position the firms are acting as a positive accrual to other firms. Other firms are likely to benefit from this technological improvement (Barr, 45). When there is change in one firm’s technology, the other firms are likely to benchmark this opportunity. As such, they will purchase other machinery that conforms to the stated technology. These industries and firms will have an improved way of producing products and they will extend the positivity to other firms, which are not pa rticularly involved in the production. When there is an improvement in technology, there are various aspects which are improved in the society. For instance, when there is enhancement in technology, it is considered that pollution is likely to reduce. When the pollution is reduced, there are various aspects which are improved in the society. For instance, the society does not feel the pinch of having to inhale clean air. As such, their health status is maintained. This reduces any expenses that are incurred by the society in terms of treatment for complications in their health (Barr, 123). Similarly, it is guaranteed that there will be lower water pollution. As such, the society will have better water services. The water pollution will be reduced in the society, which gives the whole society clean water to use. It is evidently seen that the society did not incur any costs in the acquisition of technology. However, they are getting better water which is clean and hygienic. The same a pplies to the other firms. Initially, the firms did not incur any costs in getting information about the new technology. However, they are now in perfect shape in preventing pollution. A negative externality in production is pollution. Pollution is one of the most threatening aspects in production. During production, many firms exhale and release dirty water and air. This dirty air and water has various effects on the environment. First, dirty air makes the environment unpleasant to live in. This makes the life of other people uncomfortable. When people are not living in a comfortable environment, it is not entertaining. As such, the people will have to make sure they get solutions to these problems that are instigated by pollution from production firms. Apparently, some firms take it as their own initiative to stop pollution. This is an ideal approach in stopping pollution in the world. When all the firms initiate strategies that will reduce pollution, there is a likelihood of havi ng a better environment that is not affected by the negativities of pollution. It is a prudent approach by the governing bodies to ensure that pollution is reduced in the whole world. With technological improvement, scientists have considered that pollution is one of the negative effects in the world (Barr, 65). For instance, pollution is responsible for global warming. The global warming effect has affected many parts of the world and they are looking for strategies of reducing its effects to the world. This creates a scenario

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Personal Statement Example Other than the passionate desire to study engineering, my environment thus far has extensively molded my aspirations and outlook in life. For instance, my college, St. Joseph’s, sparked an interest in me to study daily applications of engineering. As a result, I have gained a habit of being analytical; evaluating everything I encounter either in secondary information sources, like the Cuban Missile Crisis or in real life, like the basic operation mechanism of a refrigerator. This investigative tendency continues to spur my curiosity in mechanical engineering. I also recognize the fact that, mechanical engineering makes it possible for one to comprehend not only why gadgets work, but also their inherent working mechanism. My home city is also an inspiration, especially given its status as one of the world’s ports. The ability to coordinate all the ships that dock or leave port requires intensive mechanical engineering work and knowledge. Therefore, I acknowledge the impo rtance of the discipline, having had the opportunity to observe it in practical applications. The cultural diversity of Hong Kong also equips me with a unique set of skills, that is, the ability to fit in and interact productively with members of different cultural backgrounds. As a St. Joseph’s graduate, I have had the opportunity to explore diverse activities and not just academics. I developed enthusiasm for cross-curricular activities, given the fact that the college encourages students to be all rounded. Other than representing my college in water polo and tennis, I pride myself in having been a leader of the school’s drama club. This gave me a unique chance to work with numerous schools in successful production of plays meant for the public. While I may not be an excellent dramatist or actor, I gained the position for my ability to direct a team and coordinate creation of functional stage props. The experience was rather exhilarating since I was able to combine m y passion for engineering with artistry and attain an outcome that earned me respect and recognition. It was also intriguing to formulate solutions to deal with basic engineering problems like stability, which are often undermined and mostly studied theoretically. Although it was initially difficult to coordinate the team, it later became an exemplary experience to explore different scientific aspects in dealing with emerging engineering challenges. I learnt that although it is rewarding to get successful outcomes in the end, the teamwork and progress involved in the course of development are highly significant. The Joint Drama Club production also taught me a lot about being a responsible leader and about efficient time management. These are crucial aspects in balancing hobbies and academics, as well as, work in the future. Whenever I watch car rallies like NASCAR’s on television, or even pass by sports vehicle showrooms, I cannot help but imagine myself being actively invol ved in their manufacturing process. Studying a distinguished mechanical engineering program in an overseas university like yours will certainly be a step towards achieving this dream. Personal Qualities, Talent, Accomplishment and Contribution Growing up, I have discovered that communication is extremely important for an engineer. This aspect that is extremely crucial in recognizing success. Nevertheless, I have learnt that communication is not an easy aspect especially when dealing with many people. This needs a lot of self discipline and patience in order to be good in dealing with customers and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Apple corporate responsibility to the customers Essay

Apple corporate responsibility to the customers - Essay Example According to its vision, the organization has been quite responsive in inculcating the value of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) when dealing with the customers. Fundamentally, due to its aspiration to create customer value and employee satisfaction, the organization has developed a ‘Corporate Charity Matching Program’ to keep its employees motivated and driven towards efficiency in rendering quality services to its customers (Apple Inc., 2013; Somo, n.d.). One of the major ethical issues witnessed by Apple when performing its operational activities is often argued to be its rapid innovation concerns. It is in this context that Apple has been focused on inculcating rapid innovations of its products which has not only reduce the span of product life cycle, but has also increased its challenges in terms of customer loyalty and brand awareness. For instance, due to the rapid innovations of its product line, the customers are likely to become unresponsive to the new brands launched along with possess a feel of dissatisfaction due to the decreasing span of product life cycle. Emphasizing on this particular issue, the aim of this study is to identify the initiatives taken by Apple in performing its CSR with efficiency from a customer point of view. The discussion will thus initially focus on studying the CSR initiatives majorly followed by Apple and further emphasize on learning the implications of its CSR initiatives on the customers. Based on the understanding obtained, few recommendations will also be provided for Apple to perform more efficiently when dealing with the customers. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Performed by Apple to Customers Apple acts quite responsibly in incorporating highly efficient codes of conduct with its intention to comply with various ethical responsibilities including all the suppliers and distributors in the organization and therefore ensuring quality throughout its supply chain. Apple also emphasizes on im plementing effective CSR strategies that would integrate greater awareness and responsible conscience among the management in offering highly innovative products to its customers through effective productivity, ensuring profitability for the organization to a large extent (Apple Inc., 2013; Chun, 2011). However, in its marketing practices, the company has been focused on rapid innovations, which has given rise to certain ethical issues in relation to quality standards, privacy assurance, intellectual property rights, customer loyalty and patent law infringement risks among others. For instance, because Apple extensively focused on product innovation at frequent instance, comparatively more than its rivals, it also has to witness substantial pressure in terms of preserving product quality which needs improvement on a consistent basis. Such rigorous emphasis on product quality along with innovation not only requires huge expenditure in the research and development process, but also in creases the risk of quality errors resulting in ethical hazards and customer dissatisfaction. To be illustrated, after the introduction of iPhone 4 by Apple, it was noted that customers had to face various difficulties due to the reception error in the gadget caused because of faulty antenna interference. Apple, in order to resolve the reception problems, provided free bumpers as well as cases for a limited period of time but had to suffer from rising expenditure as well as reducing customer loyalty

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ten Paintings of Romanticism Essay Example for Free

Ten Paintings of Romanticism Essay Romanticism has flourished in the years 1800’s to 1900’s. Romanticism in the arts particularly in the visual arts is characterized by a revolt against rationalism and classicism movement. The usual approach of the artist in their artwork is about imagination and subjectivity. Intense emotion and elusiveness is attributed to romanticism. Also, paintings in the romantic era are linked with mystical portrayal, symbolism, natured, and politics. For the purpose of giving a detailed description of paintings in the Romantic period of the arts, ten painting will be analyze and describe having qualities that are reflective of Romanticism. Napoleon on his throan, by Ingres is a painting in the romantic era because of the emphasis on the individual as Napoleon is the only human character in the painting. The painting suggests the political power of Napoleon as romantic artists are often politically and socially involved like Ingres. The throne is the symbol of Napoleon’s power as romanticism is very acquainted with symbolism. Jupiter and thetis, by Ingres is mythical as the characters were characters of the Greek mythology. The painting insinuates that a great multitude of imagination is used by the artist to depict such painting where as imagination is central among the artist of the romantic period. The frontal borderline of the painting is the same as the painting entitled â€Å"Napoleon on his throne†. Emotion is also evident in the painting, evident in Jupiter and Thetis is an intense emotion due to unique colors and contours. Napoleon crossing the Alps by Jacques Louis David is a painting that discusses a political matter. The painting has also displayed kinship with nature as one of the focused aspects of romanticism. The facial expression of Napoleon is indefinable as one of the characteristics of Romantic art is elusive images. The burial of the Sardine, by Goya is a painting which is full of symbolisms. The painting expresses a powerful sense of irony and sarcasm as the painting depicts the picture of mass hysteria which is again related to political issues as one of the aspect of romanticism period. The expression in the faces of the characters in the painting are displayed in a exact manner showing the uncanny joyfulness of the characters in the painting which is again a characteristic of romanticism in art which displays mystical images. Battle with clubs, by Goya contains images which is a symbol of the struggle between the monarchists and the liberals of the North Spain. It also tackles the political issue at that time as it portrays the civil war in Spain. The painting shows the intensity of the fight as the feet of the two men fighting with clubs are already buried in the ground but the fight still continues. Satan devouring one of his sons, by Goya is popularly called Saturn. It is an improvisation of Goya on one of the characters of mythology which is central in romanticism. It also tackles the morality of the act of Saturn which is connected to social reality. The gloomy and sinister image of the painting is an intense display of Saturn’s malevolence, the exhibition of intensity is again a part of romantic art. Elohim creating Adam is an artwork of Blake which refers to a mythical narrative which is a typical of a romantic art work. The tone and the color of the painting are also reflective of the romanticism movement in art. The images in the painting also evoke a great feeling of intensity. For Marat is a painting which depicts the political inclinations of Jacques- Louis David on politics which is insightful of the romantic era. It is also shows the melancholy of a death of man struggling (which is Jacques-Louis friend which is assassinated by a lady) for passion. However, the expression of the assassinated face of Marat is elusive of emotions. The painting is reflective of the political stance of the artist as it depicts the social realities of that time. The strong display of emotions of the painting is a romantic characteristic as it showcases death caused by a passionate insistence of principles. Definitely, the painting is considered to be under the Romantic era. The painting has also been named as the Pieta of the revolution for it has awakened the minds and hearts to struggle. Satan arousing rebel angels, by Blake contains images which are reflective of the Romanticism movement. The subject of the painting is about the political stance of Blake regarding the Bible. The subject is also of great mystery and the painting is executed with a great level of subjectivity and imagination as characters from the bible are involved. The shadings and colors of the painting is exhibited to invoke a mystic and dramatic mood. Napoleon Latvia is a painting that discusses political circumstances. The painting is about Napoleon’s conquest of Russia. The painting displays an emotion of great power as the colors are striking and intense and also a distinguishing mark of the romantic era. The approach is also subjective and highly imaginative. The painting has successfully portrayed the event and the temper that transpired during Napoleons conquest. Napoleon (sick people of) Jafa by Antoine Jean Gros, is a painting that portrays societal concerns. The colors represent a great inducement of a melodramatic style of shading. The approach used in the painting is also very imaginative. The painting fall under the romanticism era because it greatly depicts the issues of the society as it shows the visit of Napoleon to the sick people of Jaffa which are victims of the plague. References: 1. Honour, H. (1979). Romanticism. New York: Harper Row.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Professional Development At Premier Inn Management Essay

Professional Development At Premier Inn Management Essay Award-winning Premier Inn is a subsidiary of Whitbread PLC and is considered as the UKs largest and fastest-growing hotel brand with 578 budget hotels and more than 40,000 rooms across the UK and Ireland at reasonable prices. In 2008 Premier Inn launched in Dubai and will be opening in India later this year. On a domestic front, Premier Inn is set to be the largest provider of budget hotels in London by the 2012 Olympics. As Premier Inn consists of huge number of employees, it has to manage all of them in better way since success of the company significantly depends on their people management efficiency along with their career success. As a proud team member of UKs largest and fastest-growing hotel brand, I would like to explain my career /professional development plan in detail by this report. 1.2 Premier Inn philosophy A cornerstone of the Premier Inn philosophy is all about widening employee career paths or access new roles; further, all open positions are advertised internally prior to searching for outside candidates and we will always look to promote members of the team where possible the development of employees is the key aspect, though we are all motivated by different aspirations. Moreover, Company share the same commitment to quality of work carried out by the employees as it has been recognized the fact that rewarding employees is a crucial factor in terms of motivating employees. 1.1.1. Premier Inn Values Genuine We really care about our customers Confident We strive to be the best at what we do Committed We work hard for each other 4 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Premier Inn Core Values 1.3 What is Personal Development Plan Personal Development Planning refers to the creation of an action plan based on a reflection of personal, career, and academic objectives. In addition to a PDP, these reflections are typically a portfolio containing evidence of the skills gathered over a particular timeframe. It is presumed in education that undertaking POP will assist in creating self-directed independent learners who are more likely to progress to higher levels of academic attainment. It is also used in Human resource management. Continuing Professional Development is just a method of ensuring that you attain the right abilities to do your job and maintain/enhance your skill. It embraces everything that you perform to get better your job performance and your lifelong employability. Many Professional organizations and Societies have a obligation for their members to stay a record of their professional updating and growth. It can also assist those who are, or will be undertaking nationwide Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) in the UK. This is also high-quality practice for an association striving towards creature World Class, a Learning Organization. Most of these professional societies have a obligation that you demonstrate personal development and learning representing 3-5 days (25-35 hours) per year. Increasingly, your professional culture is asking to see evidence of continuous growth in order to maintain your registration/ expert status. If your professional corpse does not yet have an obligatory requirement for this the length of with a monitoring/ auditing system they soon will Have. 5 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1.4 Who is responsible for personal development To be successful it is fine practice to work in partnership with your employer. You be supposed to realize however that ownership of your CPD proof is yours and no one elses. The plan you set up will need to be flexible and change as your job requirements and aspirations change. It should also be realistic, not each one can become the Director of Nursing or Executive Director but everybody with forethought and some planning can discover challenge, diversity and interest in their job and vocation. Change is continuous in all aspects of life and efforts you put into keeping abreast of new knowledge and expanding your abilities will reap rewards when opportunities arise. It will have become obvious that a key feature of CPD is training but the significant difference between CPD and training is that CPD is prearranged to suit you and your career. 1.5 Job Profile I am working as the Hotel Manager and responsible for achieving optimal guest satisfaction and a good working environment to attain all set objectives. To achieve this, Im responsible for running the hotel in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedures and Policies as set out by Premier Inn. Further, Im responsible for the Implementation of optimal and attractive products and services required to address the hotels target groups, based on pre-agreed marketing plans and budgets while ensuring the correct production and distribution of information and promotion materials as agreed to. Guard the efficiency/productivity and the company results: Draw up plans and budget concepts (revenues, costs, etc.); Safeguard the realization, tracing and adjustment of deviations; Developing improvement actions, carry out costs savings; Guard/ controlling of cost price Delivering of data and proposals for the budgets and investments. Safeguard quality of operations (internal external audits) Manage the various Department Heads Coordinate planning of Department Heads and Assistant Managers with regard to time-tables, work schedules, employment of employees within the different services; solving of bottle necks; Coordination of the execution of activities via instructions to the Heads of Departments/ Assistant Managers, supervision of the execution; Determination of the workforce, recruitment and hiring of new staff, supervision of sufficient introduction, execution of performance reviews and training of staff. Be accountable for responsibilities of department heads in their absence. 6 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Implement the Golden Tulip franchise formula optimally in the hotel and act as a flagship establishment for the Golden Tulip brand. Prepare a monthly financial reporting. Ensure an adequate administration, for the outgoing and incoming invoices, for the payment of invoices and for drawing up periodical management data. Justify deviations and differences. Other tasks; Handling complaints, in the last resort. Other reliable to the above mentioned, tasks in order of the executive; Handing over opinions and beliefs, decisions etc. to the executives; Leading various internal and external meetings; Supervise the fulfillment of the regulations of the employment legalization, Occupational Health Safety Act, HACCP, legionella, fire regulations and other legal requirements Correct use of Golden Tulips corporate identity. Maintain contacts with public authorities 7 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2 Task 2 2.1 Job Analysis A lot of people go blank when you ask them regarding their skills. Thus sometimes it is easier to exertion backwards from what you have done to work out and what you are good at. This is where a job analysis can assist. (Personal-skills-audit; 2010) Step One Take a divide sheet of paper for each of the jobs you have done and mark the job title at the top. Divide each piece into two columns. Use the first pillar to brainstorm all tasks each role involved. Include as much feature as you can. Dont just list the bureaucrat duties but include everything you turned your hand over to in that role. Avoid minor road terms similar to produced a monthly newsletter. Break it down into the stepladder concerned wrote articles, canvassed team for ideas, convinced pictures/photos, liaised with print room, etc. Dont be troubled about whether they are significant or Insignificant; just try to capture as much of what you did as probable. Observe out for any unenthusiastic self-talk here (well, it was only or I just did a little bit of ). The reason of brainstorming is to squeeze out as much information as possible. You can evaluate the activities later. Step Two The second step of your personal skills appraisal involves looking at these tasks to search what skills you contain developed. Make a list of the skills you needed to take out all these tasks. Were you showing an ability to deal with people? Were you using and analysing in sequence and data? Were you coming up with ideas and being original? Were you using sensible abilities such as repairing things? If you are not sure what skills you were using, take a look at the checklist of individual skills I have created. You will find that it also helps if you come up with a friend or your Career modifies Buddy two heads are always better than one. Step Three Dont discontinue with work. Do additional sheets for former unpaid roles you play in your life e.g. parent, sports club secretary, gardener, and the list could be fairly long! 8 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT A personal skills audit of what you have ended outside of work can be extremely revealing and help you to value the skills you have gained from all areas of your existence. You may find that there are skills you comprise developed here that you just dont give yourself recognition for. For example, you may be the trainer for a local football team using skills like management, motivation, encouragement, training etc.. If you really enjoy this, but do not hold a management or team leadership role at labour this might propose that this could be a new direction for you in your career. And you by now have many of the skills you require. Personal Skills Audit An optional strategy is just to sit yourself down and make a list of what you be acquainted with you are good at. This will come easier to a number of than to others. 2.2.1 Step One Just begin writing. You already know at smallest amount some of the things you are good at. Youll find there are some skills you feel very sure with and others where you think you can do them a bit. Dont be introvert this is not an exercise where you can be shy. Be proud to list what you be acquainted with you do well. Step Two You will come up with several skills without any prompting, but there will be many further. As I mentioned on top of, if you are the kind of someone that prefers working with a checklist, take seem at the list of personal skills I have shaped as a punctual. Another basis of ideas is job ads. Start scrutinizing newspapers for any kind of job and see what kinds of skills come up frequently. Recruiters know the importance of skills this is why they list the ones they need in their occupation ads. Step Three I already talk about brainstorming with your Career modify Buddy in the previous exercise. Dont stop there. Why not in a straight line ask some of your associates and colleagues what they think are your chief strengths and skills as they see them. Give them a bit of time to think concerning it and ask them to highlight what they think are your top 3 or 4 skills. It can be a genuine self-assurance booster to hear others reflect backs what they worth in you as a friend or colleague. 9 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT When you have done your individual skills audit, take a look at what I propose at the beginning of the personal skills checklist. A list is not sufficient. It is important that you speed your skills by level of ability and level of enjoyment Personal Development Learning Style Cognitive styles pass on to the preferred way an individual processes in order. Unlike individual differences in capabilities (e.g., Gardner, Guilford, Sternberg) which describe peak recital, styles describe a persons typical mode of thinking, remembering or trouble solving. Styles are regularly considered to be bipolar dimensions whereas abilities are unipolar (ranging from zero to a most value). Having extra of ability is usually considered beneficial while having a exacting cognitive method simply denotes a tendency to perform in a certain manner. Cognitive style is a usually described as a character dimension which influences attitudes, values, and social communication. A huge number of cognitive styles have been identified and studied in the history. Field self government versus field dependence is almost certainly the most well known style. It refers to a propensity to approach the environment in a logical, as opposed to global, fashion. At a perceptual level, field self-governing personalities are clever to distinguish figures as discrete from their backgrounds compared to field dependent persons who experience events in an undifferentiated way. In adding, field needy individuals have a greater social orientation relative to field self-regulating personalities. Studies have identified quantity connections between this cognitive style and learning. For example, meadow independent individuals are likely to learn more effectively beneath conditions of intrinsic motivation (e.g., self-study) and are influenced less by social reinforcement. Kolb and Lewin Model I would like to introduce this method to measure personal performance. Learning styles specifically transaction with characteristic styles of learning. Kolb (1984) suggests a theory of experiential learning that involves four major stages: tangible experiences, reflective observation, theoretical conceptualization, and vigorous experimentation. The CE/AC and AE/RO dimensions are glacial opposites as far as learning methods are concerned and Kolb postulates four types of beginners (divergers, assimilators, convergers, and accommodators) depending upon their location on these two dimensions. For example, an accommodator prefers tangible experiences and vigorous experimentation CAE,CE). An ordinary approach to viewing learning styles is linked to a learning series of experience, surveillance and mirror image, configuration and then testing of concepts. Although commonly referred to as the Kolb Learning Cycle this round was proposed by Kurt Lewin who got the idea from manage engineering. David Kolb (1984) popularized Lewins proposal (hence the common title). 10 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT LEARNING STYLE 2010 The four steps of the Experiential Learning Cycle are:- Concrete experience Observation and Reflection Abstract Conceptualization Testing concepts in new situations The cycle is a continuous course with the present concrete experience being the basis for observations and reflections, which allow the expansion of a theory, The theory is then tested in new situations to direct to more concrete experience. Kolb developed from the Lewin sculpt the idea that students have a overriding phase of the cycle during which they prefer to learn and therefore will contain preferred modes of learning. In order to identify the preferred learn and learning styles, Kolb developed a Learning Style record that identified students preference for the four modes corresponding to the stages in the learning series. 11 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 3 Task 03 3.1 Personal Development Plan To obtain all goals and objective should have proper personal development plan. I have to be more relevant to the companys requirements. Especially should be practical member who is practicing and matching companys values and code of ethics while improving my personal skills. Therefore I have to use proper personal development planning model as follows; Developing a Personal Development Plan My Needs How Can I meet those needs? What are the Challenges in my job current that I need to meet? Where do I want to be in 2 years? Where do I want to be in 5 or 10 years? How does that fit in with what the practice wants? What adjustments will other people need to make for me to achieve what I want? What else should I consider? PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN: 2010 3.2 Personal Analysis (SWOT) A personal SWOT analysis is a powerful technique that can be used when seeking a career change in the Unilever. Linked to a strong and powerful goal, it can enable to take advantage of skills, talents and abilities to take career to the next level. Look at each area and consider the questions that follow and write down the answers that come into the mind. 12 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 3.2.1 Strengths Personal strengths form an innate part of who are I and my characteristics. Consider my strengths as I see them and talk to your colleagues and friends for a further source of support. What are the skills and capabilities do I have? Leadership, teamwork, rational thinking In what areas do I excel? Leadership handling people and innovative thinking What qualifications, accreditations or experience make me unique? Marketing professional qualifications and marketing experience What would other people consider to be my strengths? Friendliness negotiation ability What qualities, values or beliefs make me stand out from others? Politeness, honest and self discipline Weaknesses Consider my personal weaknesses and how I may be seen by others. It is important to list any areas I feel may be holding me back. What are the gaps in your capabilities and what skills do I need to develop? Language skills In what areas could I improve? Speaking writing skills What would other people consider to be my weaknesses? Language skills What personal difficulties do I need to overcome to reach my goal? Practicing the language Opportunities Opportunities are normally external and may relate to changes in technology, people that may influence decisions, or training, development or support that may support my aspirations. What opportunities are available to me? Higher marketing post in the industry in Hospitality industry Recognition in the business field What external influences can help you to achieve success? Marketing environmental influences Pressure from customers Who could support you to help you achieve your goal? Professional trainers Professional courses 13 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 3.2.4 Threats Threats are also normally external and are the things that get in the way of my success. What obstacles am I facing? Bad economical crisis market down turn What external influences may hinder my success? Unemployment competition for better jobs Who or what could get in the way of you achieving my goal? Organizational structure How Develop My Professional Success I have to be more relevant to the companys requirements. Specially should be practical member who is practicing and matching companys values and code of ethics while improving my personal skills. 3.3.1 Leadership Skills To maximise cooperation and increase productivity within the firm, a few issues should be considered to improve team leadership. Therefore i have to improve my leadership skills with taking support from the company. While the firm has development conversations in place, constructive feedback conversations that work as a two-way process can assist to increases self-awareness of individuals and offers options and encourages development. By taking the conversation to a more informal level and the consequently building of relationships encourages trust between team members. Specific and descriptive feedback on exemplary and not acceptable behaviour should be given to avoid conflict in an organisation and increase performance levels. By starting with a positive point, people are encouraged and using particular examples of behaviour will assist in bringing the point across. An effective feedback process is particularly important for the firm as it addresses the need to build relationships to not only increase the sharing of information, but also build loyalty and retention of people in the long term. Ø Be a leader in my area of responsibility, with a deep commitment to delivering leadership results. To have a clear vision of where we are going. Focus my resources to achieve leadership objectives and strategies. Develop the capability to deliver our strategies and eliminate organizational barriers 14 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 3.3.2 Teamwork Skills To be a successful employee in the Premier Inn i have to improve m team work capabilities. To create a culture of teamwork will encourage collaboration, cooperation and sharing of information as well as empower individuals. Expectations as to teamwork need to be communicated; one of the benefits of introducing this culture is that leaders and managers model teamwork in their interaction with each other and the rest of the organisation. It can have a positive impact on work behaviour and ethics. A performance management system needs to emphasis teamwork and the impact on behaviours which will also need to be reflected by the rewards system. Collaboration through teamwork saves time and money as research efforts are not duplicated, issues can be resolved quicker and beneficial solutions and processes transferred which is a particular issue within the firm. Regular meetings to review project and progresses and to share work will assist in the implementation of the team work culture. Successes will need to be celebrated, by using communications channels such as the Premier Inn News for the firm. This will not only set a positive example for others but also make individuals feel valued and increase their motivation and loyalty. 3.3.3 Evaluation Analytical Skills Create a vision of where your area is going, together with supportive objectives and operational plans communicate regularly, making effective use of a range of different communication methods Develop a range of leadership styles and apply them to appropriate situations and people Give people in your area support and advice when they need it especially during periods of setback and change Encourage people to take a lead in their own areas of expertise and show willingness to follow this lead Ownership To accept personal accountability to meet our business needs, improve our systems and help others improve their effectiveness. Act like owners, treating the Companys assets as our own and behaving with the Companys long-term success in mind 15 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Passion for Winning Determined to be the best at doing what matters most Be a healthy dissatisfaction with the status quo. To have a compelling desire to improve and to win in the marketplace Trust Respect our Premier Inn colleagues, customers and consumers, and treat them as we want to be treated. To have confidence in each others capabilities and intentions. Believe that people work best when there is a foundation of trust. Integrity Always try to do the right thing. Be honest and straightforward with each other. Operate within the letter and spirit of the law. Uphold the values and principles of Premier Inn in every action and decision. Should data-based and intellectually honest in advocating proposals, including recognizing risks. 16 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT

Analysis of US Advertising Industry

Analysis of US Advertising Industry Headlines The US advertising industry records a 7% growth in 2013 which is fuelled by growing level of business formation and increasing penetration of mobile devices among Americans. The main category contributing to industry’s growth is digital advertising accounting for 27% of the market. 2013 is the first year when Americans spend more time using their smartphones than in front of TV, leading advertisers to shift from focusing on mass marketing to one-on-one advertising campaigns on mobile devices. The main consumers of the industry are retail enterprises, financial service providers and motor vehicles industry increasingly investing in mobile advertising campaigns and social networking. Due to the growing smartphones penetration, spending on mobile advertising is expected to exceed desktop advertising over the forecast period and condition industry’s turnover to grow by CAGR of 7% reaching US$188.688 million in 2019. Trends With the market size of US$189,136 million the US was the largest advertising market in the world in 2013. Japan’s expenditure on advertising at the same year was more than three-times smaller, while China stood in the third place. In Europe the biggest markets were Germany and the UK, however, they were left way behind the US with only a tenth of the US expenditure on advertising.[1] Even after events of significant importance such as Olympics and presidential elections in 2012, advertising industry in the US hasn’t slowed down and experienced market growth of 7% in 2013. Fast recovery after profitable year was fuelled by constant formation of business units, tight competition in the market and growing market penetration for mobile devices.[2] B2B purchases accounted for the complete majority of market size, as households were left with less than 1% of the market. The major B2B buyers in 2013 were retail enterprises accounting for a fifth of all business purchases. Retail industry was the largest spender in digital advertising. Retailers are increasingly depending on mobile devices for their advertising. The biggest investments were made into direct-response campaigns and into increasing brand awareness among consumers. [3] The major spenders in advertising were Macy’s, Wal-Mart Stores, Target Corp, and Sears.[4] Other biggest B2B buyers were industries of monetary intermediation (American Express Co., Chase, Bank of America), and sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and retail sale of automotive fuel, accounting for 10% and 7% of the total B2B purchases respectively. Biggest auto marketers were General Motors, Ford Motor, and Toyota Motor.[5] However, the most rapidly growing shares of B2B purchases belonged to computer and related services and business and management consultancies. The main category of advertising industry is digital advertising accounting for 27% of the market. With 7% growth over 2013 it was the fastest growing category in the industry. With growing penetration of mobile technologies digital advertising is slowly shifting from desktop advertising to reaching customers through tablets and smartphones. [6] In 2013 almost half of the adults in the US had smartphones and a third had tablets.[7] At the same year for the first time Americans spent more time a day using digital media than watching TV. In addition, they spent more time per day surfing mobile internet than in front of PC[8]. Television was the second biggest advertising environment in the US in 2013 with 23% of the market. Though television holds a significant share of the market, it is slowly dropping due to the growing popularity of digital videos in online advertising. [9]Outdoor advertising having 21% of the industry leaves press and radio owning 18% and 12% of the market respectively. Print advertising revenues has been dropping by CAGR of 10% since 2008, while the share of online advertising in digital versions of newspapers has been growing. [10] In 2013 foreign advertising services provided for US clients abroad exceeded the ones US companies sold for foreigners by ten times. Most popular services provided for US companies were digital advertising accounting for 24% of all services provided by foreigners and TV and Press advertising accounting for 20% each, while foreigners mostly bought internet, outdoor, and radio advertising services. Industry’s turnover grew by 7% in 2013 and accounted for US$125.541. The total increase was fuelled by the fastest growing internet and outdoor advertising. Outdoor advertising grew mainly due to the constant expansion of digital outdoor advertising through billboards. [11] Advertising costs are divided mainly into B2B costs accounting for 51% of total costs and labour costs accounting for 43%. The largest part of B2B costs are from other business services, real estate activities and advertising. Though number of employees in the industry hasn’t reached the pre-recession level, it grew by less than 4%, while average annual wages increased by less than 1% over 2013. Competitive Landscape Over the review period micro enterprises accounted for 96% of companies in advertising industry. However, in 2013 large and medium companies experienced the highest growth of over 4%. They accounted for less than 1% of the industry and acquired 35% of the industry’s turnover causing the market to be concentrated. At the same time micro and small companies accounted for 26% and 27% of the industry’s turnover. As of 2010 the major advertising enterprises according to their share of total services provided are: Omnicom Group Inc (6%), Interpublic Group of Cos Inc (3%), WPP Group USA Inc (2%), News America Marketing In-Store Services LLC and The Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings Inc with 1% each. In 2013 Omnicom Group has announced about the target merger with the world’s leading communications enterprise Publicis Groupe. This merger was expected to join two forces of advertising, marketing, and communication into one world’s leading advertising group. Its’ worth was expected to reach over US$35billion and exceed that of WPP twice.[12] However, due to the prolonged process that has started affecting companies’ relations with its clients and staff, the merger has been terminated in 2014.[13] In order to improve its digital services Interpublic Group of Cos acquired digital shop Profero in 2013. Combining its one of businesses Lowe and Partner with Profero, IPG is expecting to spread its operations in developing markets. [14] Other, significant IPG’s acquisition strengthening its digital side of the business in 2013 was Interactive Avenues – a digital agency in India. WWP made the record number of over 50 acquisitions in 2013. The company was also a leader in acquisitions in social media sector. Due to the growing consumers’ engagement in social networks, social media networking agencies are expected to be a valid addition to big advertising enterprises as they prove to be more effective than public relation companies.[15] Hand in hand with increasing levels of digital advertising, in 2013 News America Marketing has introduced its in-store near field communication campaigns in retail stores. These campaigns provide customised mobile coupons being sent into customers’ mobile devices whenever they are in the store and near a particular product. This has helped to improve the usage of coupons and increase the sales of particular products. Moreover, brand familiarity is being increased through various value added services such as online recipes, various apps, and games connected with particular products. [16] In 2013 The Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings Inc signed the five-year contracts with San Francisco, Chicago and Denver’s airports to install hundreds of digital screens in airports enabling companies to advertise their products and airports to present important information about flights. Digital screens will enable customers to receive the information to their mobile devices through the touch of the digital screens displayed in airports. [17]In Denver’s airport two digital video towers are planned to be installed to enhance customers’ experience. [18] In 2014 the company is planning on launching first interactive global mobile platform enabling costumers to reach all the content from the advertisers in one place through their smartphones.[19] Prospects Over the period of 2014-2019 the US advertising industry is expected to grow by CAGR of 7% and reach US$188.688 million. It will be mainly fuelled by increasing popularity of digital advertising which is set to produce more sophistication to advertisements, making them target based and unique for different costumer.[20] With almost 90%[21] of the US population using internet and half of the population[22] having access to mobile internet in 2014, internet and outdoor advertising will experience the highest CAGR of 7% over the review period. Though desktop advertising was dominating category in digital marketing in 2013, however, mobile advertising and applications, experiencing a surge in popularity, are expected to exceed desktop advertising over the forecast period. Technologies enabling businesses to observe their customers across all screens will lead to enterprises eventually focusing on multi-screening advertising. [23] The number of acquisitions performed by top advertising enterprises shows that companies will be concentrating on providing holistic solutions for their clients encompassing product and technology innovations, digital and social networking services. Due to the growing amount of collected data about consumers, companies will increasingly specialise in providing customised marketing decision for different consumers. [24] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24]